Appointment Booking Pro Joomla full#
Edit custom text to be shown on booking form including full HTML/CSS support.Selectable display formats for time and date information.Fully customizable text or HTML Button for appointment booking.Front page booking form can be shown in the same browser window, a pop-up window or Modal screen.Enable or cancel appointments with automatic notification emails sent to both calendar owner and appointment author.Display full daily schedules or just 'busy hours' for easier management.Organize your time schedules by day, week or month with complete appointment information on tooltips and editable 1-click away.Selectable filters on each view ease the management and location of appointments.Administrators can use four different views of appointment information: by Day, by Week, by Month or List mode and create new appointments at any time.AJAX-based unlimited calendar picker displays what days and time slots are available, partially booked or fully booked at any given month.Display one or more calendar profiles in the front page or as a menu option with optional link for their own booking form.

Completely editable profile information for each calendar, including full support of images, HTML and CSS.Custom field types such as plain text, multiple-line, radio selectors, drop-down selector or multiple selection inputs, each having their own set of unlimited options and 'required' attributes.Appointment Subject and up to 10 custom fields available to register booking information.Variable appointment durations in 5 minute increments.Configurable start and end times for daily schedules.Use joomla! user address or an alternate email address for optional appointment notifications.Optionally assign existing Joomla! users as Calendar owners.Selectable days of the week for appointments, including weekends.